First Steps

Firstly connect your CasaOS GUI with your favourite browser, then press Install a customized app.

Press import

Installing Nextcloud with Docker Compose File

Then copy and paste Docker Compose file inside

Why I did Choose Image Instead of nextcloud:latest?

  • When I installed with nextcloud:latest some php plugins (like bz2…) not pre-installed.
  • Cron not pre-installed and configured.
  • lscr image has all but you must configure cron manually.
# This is a Docker Compose version declaration.
version: "3"
# The 'services' key defines the containers that should be created.
  # This is the name of the service (container). In this case, it's 'nextcloud'.
    # The 'image' key specifies which Docker image to use for this container.
    # The 'container_name' key specifies a custom name for the container.
    container_name: nextcloud
    # The 'environment' key is used to set environment variables inside the container.
      # PUID & PGID are used to set user/group IDs.
      - PUID=1000
      - PGID=1000
      # TZ sets the timezone for the container.
      - TZ=Etc/UTC
    # The 'volumes' key maps paths on the host to paths in the container.
      # Map '/DATA/AppData/nextcloud/config' on the host to '/config' inside the container.
      - /DATA/AppData/nextcloud/config:/config
      # Map '/DATA/AppData/nextcloud/data' on the host to '/data' inside the container.
      - /DATA/AppData/nextcloud/data:/data
    # The 'ports' key maps ports on the host to ports in the container.
      # Map port 443 on the host to port 443 inside the container.
      - 443:443
    # The 'restart' key specifies the restart policy for the container.
    restart: unless-stopped

Check if you have miss something like this…

Fix like this…

Install it

**When you press Nextcloud you’ll see something like this, becouse we configured this just use HTTPS port, if you want to use Nextcloud with HTTP, add Host => 10080 Container => 80 and change Web UI port to 10080 (If you edited image with settings and not working, uninstall nextloud and reinstall again, then apply this settings).

I recommend to use a reverse proxy such as nginx and caddy…

Installing MariaDB with Docker Compose File

We paste this Docker Compose file into place, just like we did in Nextcloud.

# This is a Docker Compose version declaration.
version: "3"
# The 'services' key defines the containers that should be created.
  # This is the name of the service (container). In this case, it's 'mariadb'.
    # The 'image' key specifies which Docker image to use for this container.
    # The 'container_name' key specifies a custom name for the container.
    container_name: mariadb
    # The 'environment' key is used to set environment variables inside the container.
      # PUID & PGID are used to set user/group IDs.
      - PUID=1000
      - PGID=1000
      # TZ sets the timezone for the container.
      - TZ=Etc/UTC
      # MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD sets the root password for MariaDB.
      - MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=password
      # MYSQL_DATABASE sets the name of a database to be created on image startup (optional).
      - MYSQL_DATABASE=nextcloud
      # MYSQL_USER & MYSQL_PASSWORD are used to create a new user (optional).
      - MYSQL_USER=user
      - MYSQL_PASSWORD=password
      # REMOTE_SQL allows linking to a remote SQL server (optional).
      - REMOTE_SQL=
    # The 'volumes' key maps paths on the host to paths in the container.
      # Map '/DATA/AppData/nextcloud-mariadb' on the host to '/config' inside the container.
      - /DATA/AppData/nextcloud-mariadb:/config
    # The 'ports' key maps ports on the host to ports in the container.
      # Map port 3306 on the host to port 3306 inside the container.
      - 3306:3306
    # The 'restart' key specifies the restart policy for the container.
    restart: unless-stopped

Check for type errors and fixing it

Starting Nextcloud with MariaDB

We’ll press Storage & Database and configuring like this…

  • Database user = user
  • Database password = password
  • Database name = nextcloud
  • Database host = (this is my example local ip, you must enter your local ip) Then press install and enjoy :)