Set a password and start ssh daemon
Set password
Start ssh daemon
systemctl start sshd.service
- I’ll suppose to you’re connected to internet.
cfdisk /dev/nvme0n1
Formatting Partition
mkfs.vfat -F32 /dev/nvme0n1p1
mkfs.btrfs /dev/nvme0n1p2
Create and Mount Subvolumes
mount /dev/nvme0n1p2 /mnt
cd /mnt
btrfs sub cr /mnt/@ && \
btrfs sub cr /mnt/@/home && \
mkdir -p @/var
btrfs sub cr /mnt/@/var/log && \
btrfs sub cr /mnt/@/var/cache && \
umount /mnt
Mount Subvols
mount -t btrfs -o rw,noatime,subvol=@,compress=zstd /dev/nvme0n1p2 /mnt
mount -t btrfs -o rw,noatime,subvol=@/home,compress=zstd /dev/nvme0n1p2 /mnt/home && \
mount -t btrfs -o rw,noatime,subvol=@/var/cache,compress=zstd /dev/nvme0n1p2 /mnt/var/cache && \
mount -t btrfs -o rw,noatime,subvol=@/var/log,compress=zstd /dev/nvme0n1p2 /mnt/var/log
Mount EFI Partition
mount --mkdir /dev/nvme0n1p1 /mnt/boot
Installing Base System and /etc/fstab
Editing /etc/pacman.conf
sudo nano /etc/pacman.conf
Enable Max Parallel Downloads, Multilib repo and Color, then add ILoveCandy
Install kernel and essential packages
pacstrap -K /mnt base linux linux-firmware linux-headers intel-ucode or amd-ucode
Create /etc/fstab
genfstab -U /mnt >> /mnt/etc/fstab
Enter Chroot and Configure System
Enter Chroot
arch-chroot /mnt
Set time zone
ln -sf /usr/share/zoneinfo/Region/City /etc/localtime
Run hwclock to generate /etc/adjtime
hwclock --systohc
Edit /etc/locale.gen
and uncomment en_US.UTF-8 UTF-8
and other needed UTF-8 locales.
Create locale.conf
and set LANG variable accordingly:
Create /etc/hostname
file and setting hostname:
Recreate initramfs:
mkinitcpio -P
Set the root password:
I leave it to you create a user, installing Bootloader and setting your Desktop Environment.
Add and Use CachyOS Repositories with CachyOS’s Configs
CachyOS is an performance orianted Operating System and has repositories are including flags for performance, stability and security.
If you want more information for Cachyos Repositories take a look: What is the CachyOS Repositories
Get and Add CachyOS Repositories:
tar xvf cachyos-repo.tar.xz && cd cachyos-repo
sudo ./
- When it reinstall the packages, we’ll continue.
Installing yay (aur helper) and linux-cachyos kernel.
- CachyOS kernel includes EEVDF and BORE CPU SCHEDULERS.
- BORE CPU Scheduler gives us to maximum responsiveness. I’m personally using this.
sudo pacman -S yay
- Now installing kernel and nvidia drivers. (Because I have nvidia right now)
yay -S linux-cachyos linux-cachyos-headers nvidia-dkms nvidia-utils lib32-nvidia-utils
Nvidia DRM Backend
You must add nvidia-drm.modeset=1
kernel parameter in your bootloader config.
- Now download CachyOS Settings and use on our machine.
cd Downloads
git clone
cd CachyOS-Settings
cd etc
sudo cp -r * /etc
CachyOS using zstd compression algorithm with zram, we’ll change it with lz4 and using all ram size.
sudo nano /etc/systemd/zram-generator.conf
compression-algorithm = lz4
zram-size = ram
Optional Kernel Parameter
- zswap functions as a swap cache in front of zram, intercepting and compressing evicted memory pages before they can reach zram.
- Becouse of this reason we’ll disable zswap as a result zram will work better.
- If we disable zswap, suspend to disk (hibernate) wont work.
- Add this kernel parameter your bootloader config disables zswap on your system.
- Now installing zram generator and enabling it.
yay -S zram-generator
systemctl enable systemd-zram-setup@.service
- Reboot now, and enjoy system :)